Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Green Energy Is Growing Fast In Maryland

How would you like to turn the tables and let the utility to pay YOU for electricity?

Some utility customers are doing just that with solar, wind, and geothermal energy in Maryland.

John Sasser of Baltimore County can watch his electric meter spin backwards on sunny days. That means that as the electrons are going into the BGE system, money is basically flowing back into his pocket.

Which is nice, since, he laid out about $30,000 dollars for the panels and this system that was funded by nearly half through varied state and local green energy grants and a 30% federal tax credit.

"When do I get $30,000 back?" Sasser said. "I don't know, I think it's at least a 10 percent investment if its a seven year payback. Right now I could put my money in the stock market instead of solar panels and lose 40 percent. I think it's a safe investment."

Sasser added, "It's good for the environment, and I Iike watching that meter go backwards."

Sasser's system helped him through the recent week-long outages from the derecho storm. He said that he has a battery system that provided electricity for lights and a few ceiling fans. "It won't run the air conditioner," he said.

Sasser also has a geothermal unit, or ground water heat pump, on his property.

It doesn't replace the oil burner completely, but, his house was warmed with the energy from the 52 degree water enough for all but two of the coldest days last winter, he said.

Twin Ridge Apartments off of Old Pimlico Road added solar panels last November at the rental office.


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